Blogging is a productive way to start making a living simply and easily by sharing your experiences and knowledge with your audience.

Blogging is suggested by many people as a means of making extra money as a ‘side hustle’ but can quickly develop into something big if you are focused and determined to make a career out of it.

If you want to make money out of blogging you will need to have a passion for something in particular.

Whether it is traveling, food, music, or just stating your opinion and insights into worldly happenings.

If you want to know how to make money online by blogging read this guide on how you can start blogging and how to turn it into your money-making machine. No tricks, no scams, just hard work, determination, and skillful writing.

Blogs are about more than just sharing your personal opinions on certain subjects that you have a passion for with the world.

With blogging, you can also include many productive ways of making money including marketing and advertising.

To answer the question on your mind ‘’how to make money online by blogging’’? we can only recommend that you read further and follow this guide as a helpful piece of advice for boosting your blog’s income.

Why Do So Many People Blog?

There are many reasons why people are blogging.

It all started with people just wanting to share their thoughts and insights with other people.

Soon it evolved into a popular means of advertising, marketing, and creating awareness of important issues.

Whether you want to share your talents, discuss important issues happening in the world, or create a more personal and interesting side of communication to your already established business, blogging is extremely helpful.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to making a living or just building savings up. Today’s life brings a lot of opportunities to work with technology and the online side of life.

With blogging, there are many different ways of making money.

With the right skill sets, motivation, and integrity you can easily start making money with blogging. Here we look at the different ways that can help you make more with blogging. Join the rest of the world and start making money online from blogging today.

Lucrative Ways to Make Money Online Blogging

This is our guide to the most lucrative ways to make money by blogging online.

If you have an already established blog or thinking of only starting now you need to consider these as vital steps in keeping your blog successful.

Become an Influencer

Once your blog starts to attract the attention of visitors you will be able to garner a variety of offers from people to speak at their events or their online public speaking conferences.

If you have created a blog and you are focused on something particular such as food, travel, science, math, technology, or anything that draws attention you might be booked to speak on these issues.

By having your blog people will get used to your way of thinking and how you unravel certain topics.

With your audience getting comfortable with your writing, you will be able to find a lot of gigs due to your readers trusting your opinion and wanting to learn more about what you may think of certain happenings.

With becoming an influencer, the rest of the items on this list will be even more lucrative and will help you to raise your blog and brand to new levels of popularity.

Sell Sponsored Blog Posts

If you are not into the idea of allowing advertisement on your blog, then this is a great option to get money in while advertising products that you believe in.

If your blog starts to attract a lot of attention, companies will contact you to promote their product or brand to your audience.

This is a great way to control the types of products being advertised on your blog and will provide you with the knowledge of advertising brands you trust in.

Sponsored blog posts work in a completely different manner than partner marketing and just mentioning a product.

With sponsored blog posts you need to dedicate a whole post to the brand or product by doing a rundown or review detailing its quality, purpose, and popularity.

By selling sponsored blog posts you can start to make money online blogging in no time.

Create a Members Only Access

Special membership is being done not only by bloggers but also other content creators and incorporates a section of a blog dedicated only to members.

These sections will include content only accessible by paying members to bring your biggest followers even closer to you.

By providing your fanbase with an option to get access to even more content you will be able to generate more income and reward your followers.

Special membership benefits can include making any articles and posts visible to them first and having comps and special online events only for the special members.

It is important to provide great benefits for members because you want as many monthly paying members as possible.

Share Your Insights Through Webinars

Blogging is just one way to share your thoughts and expertise on certain subjects. There are many other ways of getting a larger following and include webinars.

Many bloggers also incorporate webinars into their members-only areas but can be done outside of your blog or as a once-off payment by any follower.

You can either host your webinar on your blog or associated YouTube channel at a charged fee or offer a webinar as a service to another channel for exposure to your blog.

Webinars can also include other guest speakers on your channel as a way to work together with other influencers or bloggers that might be experts in subfields of your expertise.

Incorporate an Amazon Affiliate WordPress Shop

Dropshipping has long been a popular way for well-skilled marketers and sellers with blogs to get into the eCommerce market. There are though many downsides to having a dropshipping business module as you need to invest quite a hefty amount of money before finding a supplier that provides the quality you are looking at selling.

The alternative to dropshipping is having an affiliate WordPress blog that will quickly get you noticed. By incorporating your blog into your online shop you will also be able to sell your merchandise or you can even create products that fit with your blog’s niche.


The world wide web is all about advertising, there is no way you can get away from it if you want to make money online. Either you need to advertise or allow others to advertise on your blog.

The good thing is that you can always decide which type of advertisements you want to allow. By adding advertising to your blog as a monetizing effort you might be advertising brands you do not wish to be promoting but you can choose a specific niche such as fashion, food, or travel.

This way you will be getting the most out of a banner advertisement. With the probability that you only want to have ads for brands and products you trust you can rather opt for partner marketing or other means of advertising.

Coaching and Consulting

Coaching and consulting is a great way to share your expert knowledge in exchange for money. Through blogging, you will be showcasing your passion and dedication to your particular field. This will draw many people from your industry to what to consult with problems or difficult situations they might be facing.

This is a clear indication that you are doing something right and that your posts are making a difference in people’s lives.

Depending on what you are most comfortable you can either choose to offer consultancy services to companies or coach teams.

Product Reviews

Tutorials and guides are among the best options for making money by selling products but if you don’t own these products then it’s easy to review the products and brands you trust the most.

Although both reviewing and partner marketing is about boosting your blog’s income you should only recommend and market products that you truly believe in with an unbiased focus.

If you want to make money blogging and creating product reviews, save your time by going through a platform like Admitad Partner Network. The platform connects publishers to the perfect affiliates. The Partner Network mediates affiliate relationships to ensure both parties benefit from the exchange.

With Admitad, you could potentially partner with name brands, such as:


Other ways that reviewing products can make you money include:

· When your blog becomes a success companies might contact you to pay you for a review of their product. It is important to be professional by being unbiased and not recommending the product if you don’t believe it is good.

· With the majority of product reviews having to do with partner marketing and standing as paid reviews you can still recommend products that are not paid for to be reviewed. This will help you to get noticed by the brand for potential marketing services at a later stage.

· By putting some of the best-selling products in a certain range against each other you will be able to draw frequent visitors to your blog when looking for product recommendations. These visitors may turn into paying members or contributors to your blog.

Product reviews can be extremely helpful in making money through your blog but should be done with a focus on purely recommending products that are truly standing out for their quality.

Create a Business Directory

If your blog doing well and drawing many followers, you will be getting a lot of questions from followers wanting to know which products you might recommend. A good way to inform your followers of the products you recommend is with a business directory.

Simply contact relevant businesses and ask if they are interested in being displayed on your directory. Each company that wants to be included in your business directory will be paying a monthly fee.

Note, that if your business directory isn’t reputable enough, big brands won’t consider joining it. In this case, you might be having a hard time promoting it and spending considerable time and energy earning a reputation.

Contests and Giveaways

You can easily host contests and giveaways to make extra money from your blog. The money made from contests is not cash that is paid directly to you but is seen as more of a boost in your business.

By releasing contests and giveaways more people will become aware of your blog and the products that you are advertising. In turn, this will start boosting your income and give you a wider audience.

You can either host your contests among followers or potential followers or you can approach companies to sponsor products that can be won by your readers. In turn, this will also build a positive working relationship between you and an affiliate brand.


If you have expert knowledge in your specific niche and you are trusted by all your followers for your advice, insights, and opinions then writing and releasing an eBook can be an extremely profitable way to spread your knowledge to a wider audience while also making an extra amount of money.

An eBook is a downloadable electronic book for your followers. You can even choose to use it as a product that is available only to members to attract more followers to become members of your blog.

Write Tutorials and Guides

Tutorials and DIY guides have always helped get social shares and links, but they can also be extremely lucrative in making an extra income for your blog.

By releasing your guide or tutorial you can easily link affiliated products for marketing purposes or even your products. Not only will you be getting a lot of shares and pages linked to your tutorial, but you might even make some sales through your recommended products.


With the competitive nature of blogging online, it’s important to monetize your blog professionally. With the use of Partner Network from Admitad and ConvertSocial, you can earn on almost any platform including YouTube, Instagram, and many more.

They guide you through the most important factors involved in getting paid for your content. Boost the performance and income of your blog today with the use of these helpful tools.

You can easily make money by blogging online and with this guide, even an established blog can gain more traffic and income.